Welcome to GoWishMe! Our platform is designed to help creators share their wishes and receive contributions from friends, family, and fans.


How GoWishMe Works


Create Your Wishlist

Creators sign up and upload their personal wishes to the GoWishMe platform. These wishes can be anything they desire, from experiences to specific items.


Share with Supporters 

Creators share their wishlist with friends, family, and fans on social media, allowing supporters to see what they wish for and contribute.


Receive Contributions

Contributions from friends, family, and fans are considered tips for the service GoWishMe provides in facilitating these connections and supporting creators. This aligns with Stripe's guidelines, as contributions are linked to the service offered by our platform.


Secure Payment Processing

All contributions are securely processed through [Stripe](https://stripe.com), ensuring compliance with local laws and the highest level of data protection. Stripe's robust security measures protect all payment information, providing peace of mind for both creators and contributors.


Payment Methods

Visa Accessible worldwide

Mastercard Accessible worldwide

American Express Accessible worldwide

Discover Accessible primarily in the U.S.

Diners Club Accessible in select countries

JCB Accessible in Asia and select countries

China UnionPay Accessible in China and internationally

Cash App Pay Accessible in the U.S. only

Apple Pay Accessible globally

Google Pay Accessible in over 60 countries.

MobilePay Accessible in
  - Denmark
  - Finland
  - Netherlands
  - Belgium
  - Croatia
  - Czech Republic
  - France
  - Germany
  - Greece
  - Hungary
  - Ireland
  - Italy
  - Latvia
  - Luxembourg
  - Poland
  - Portugal
  - Romania
  - Spain
  - Sweden

Revolut Pay Accessible in
  - United Kingdom
  - Austria
  - Belgium
  - Bulgaria
  - Croatia
  - Cyprus
  - Estonia
  - Finland
  - France
  - Germany
  - Greece
  - Hungary
  - Ireland
  - Italy
  - Latvia
  - Lithuania
  - Luxembourg
  - Malta
  - Netherlands
  - Poland
  - Portugal
  - Romania
  - Slovakia
  - Slovenia
  - Spain
  - Sweden


Fulfill Wishes

Once a wish is fully funded, creators can choose how to fulfill it, whether by purchasing the item themselves or using the funds for the intended experience.


Security and Compliance

Data Protection We prioritize the security of your personal information. All sensitive data, including payment details, is encrypted and securely transmitted using industry-standard protocols.


User Rights Users have the right to access, update, or delete their personal information at any time. For more details, please refer to our Privacy Policy.


Regional Compliance We adhere to all applicable local laws and regulations regarding payment processing, ensuring compliance with regional restrictions.


Why Choose GoWishMe?

Empower Creators Allow creators to express their wishes and receive support from their community.


Transparency Keep track of contributions and wishlist progress in real-time.


Security Enjoy peace of mind knowing that all transactions are processed securely through Stripe.


Get Started Today!

Start creating your wishlist and experience the joy of receiving support from your community. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us at contact@gowishme.com